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X-Plane 9.30 Beta-14 is here! [Archiv] - X-Plane Schweiz


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19.06.2009, 18:59
X-Plane 9.30 Beta-14 is here!


have at it!



Turbulence from other planes toned down a bit.. makes glider-tow easier.

Fuel-tank placement a hair more accurate in a few planes.

Greater flexibility in setting up g1000 software version numbers to
facilitate testing with new planes when driving real g-1000's.

The dynamic airplane shadow is now an optional rendering setting. This
feature is usually pretty cheap but for very complex custom planes you
can get fps back by turning it off. The dynamic airplane shadow is
only for your airplane - making 19 AI dynamic shadows is way too slow.

Per-pixel lighting is now a rendering setting. If you have a "cheap"
card (GF7300, GF8400, HD2400, X1300, etc.) then turning off per pixel
lighting will help fps a lot, especially when FSAA is on.

Some shader tuning may be coming, but to get 922 style performance,
you'll need to turn off both of these new extra bits of eye candy.
Fps tests of 922 vs. 930 without per pixel lighting and shadows show
930 as fast or faster than 922.


Plane-Maker Visual-Texture-Tegions window is now working
Overlapped text in Plane-Maker Systems screen fixed.
Insert-section into body is undoable.
Plane-Maker detects backward key frames for handles.
Plane-Maker won't quit with an internal error if you undo a misc body
edit after changing the number of stations.

Tech-Notes for Designers:

EVERY SINGLE PLANE MADE IN 9.30 BETA needs to have it's 'FADEC
automatically keeps engines from exceeding max power' option reversed
in the Engines screen.
This is to maintain compatibility with version 9.22 and earlier...
though you will need to change this setting in 9.30 if you made a
plane in 9.30 beta.


No more clouds rotating with the viewpoint.
Orthophotos should not get "stuck" at low-res.
Orthophoto res will be higher when anisotropic filtering is on, to
avoid blurry images.
The transition from DSF to planet rendering is smoother for oceanic
The landing light does not attempt to light the airplane. This fixes
the airplane turning black when shaders are off.
Runway anti-incursion lights (wigwags, etc.) have their LOD fixed.
One-way roads go in the right direction in the UK.
Precision of key frames improved for generic instruments
Two-sided facades should render properly.
Taxiway lights should be evenly spaced on curved paths.
Plugins: The y-test prober will not be fooled by boats.

20.06.2009, 11:54
The dynamic airplane shadow is now an optional rendering setting.

Tja, nur ist dieser Schalter bei mir nicht auffindbar.

Gefunden: der Schalter ist erst sichtbar wenn die Option "Pixel Shader" angewählt wird.
Dafür sehe ich Nebel wenn der Schalter "draw volumetric fog" AUSGESCHALTET ist.