Warnung: Use of undefined constant MYSQL_NUM - assumed 'MYSQL_NUM' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/init.php (Zeile 156)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant MYSQL_ASSOC - assumed 'MYSQL_ASSOC' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/init.php (Zeile 156)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant MYSQL_BOTH - assumed 'MYSQL_BOTH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/init.php (Zeile 156)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant VB_FRAMEWORK - assumed 'VB_FRAMEWORK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions.php (Zeile 8101)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant archive_postsperpage - assumed 'archive_postsperpage' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../archive/index.php (Zeile 456)
Bitte abstimmen! [Archiv] - X-Plane Schweiz


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23.05.2012, 19:32
VATSIM Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
Issued by Richard Jenkins (800012), 23-May-2012 16:12 UTC
__________________________________________________ ________________________

VATSIM has started the initial planning phase of a new open source pilot client. One of the initial questions that needs to be addressed is what simulator platforms should be supported by this client. We need as many members as possible to complete the poll! You can login to the VATSIM forum using your network ID and password.

Poll located here: http://bit.ly/LqAZ6g

For more information concerning this new initiative and the relevant discussions around it, visit the VATSIM forums.

You can follow VATSIM on Facebook and Twitter:



__________________________________________________ ________________________

This message was issued by a senior staff member in order to provide
information to enhance your enjoyment of VATSIM, of which you are a member.
If you no longer wish to be a member of VATSIM, please contact
the membership department - see http://vatsim.net/ for contact details.

Stephan Manzek
23.05.2012, 20:22
Fehlermeldung: The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again. :(

23.05.2012, 20:24
Three green lights:)

Vielleicht zweifeln sie an deiner IdentitätKicher oder es sind nur die, welche für WIN stimmen zugelassen:)

Stephan Manzek
23.05.2012, 20:32
Tja, das kann schlecht sein, denn ich habe neben Win auch unter Linux probiert... Und was dabei rauskommt, sieht man ja... :KS: