Warnung: Use of undefined constant MYSQL_NUM - assumed 'MYSQL_NUM' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/init.php (Zeile 156)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant MYSQL_ASSOC - assumed 'MYSQL_ASSOC' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/init.php (Zeile 156)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant MYSQL_BOTH - assumed 'MYSQL_BOTH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/init.php (Zeile 156)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant VB_FRAMEWORK - assumed 'VB_FRAMEWORK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions.php (Zeile 8101)

Warnung: Use of undefined constant archive_postsperpage - assumed 'archive_postsperpage' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../archive/index.php (Zeile 456)

Warnung: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; vB_XML_Parser has a deprecated constructor in ..../includes/class_xml.php (Zeile 52)

Warnung: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; vB_XML_Builder has a deprecated constructor in ..../includes/class_xml.php (Zeile 689)
Auswerten und Lösen von Medlungen in der Log.txt [Archiv] - X-Plane Schweiz


Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Auswerten und Lösen von Medlungen in der Log.txt

06.01.2013, 20:20
Bedingt dadurch, dass mir XP10 mit der CRJ200 Version 1.5.3 beim Beenden gecrasht ist bzw. sich aufgehängt hat, habe ich mir mal die Log.txt vorgenommen. Dort wird wohl mein Verdacht bestätigt.

--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: CRJ-200 Avionics}==--

Okay, werde aufs nächste Update von der warten. Soll bereits was angekündigt sein.

Allerdings fielen mir auch viele andere Warnungen etc. auf. Will jetzt dazu aber nicht zu sehr ins Detail gehen. Einige konnte ich bei diversen Freeware Flughäfen mit dem WED lösen. Aber bei den u.g. Meldungen bin ich etwas ratlos. Hat vielleicht jemand von euch eine Idee. Die Hyroglyphen habe ich auch schon im WED gefunden. Jetzt weiß ich aber nicht weiter. Will auch nichts kaputt machen. :o

Vielleicht hat jemand von euch eine Idee?

Auszug aus der Log.txt

Syntax error - unknown glyph at ru}
Parse error: no closing brace.
(in sign '{@L}E{@R}01-19|06-24{@Y}{@@}{^ld}{L}A{@Y,ru}' from airport BIRK)
Syntax error - unknown glyph =
Syntax error - unknown glyph =
Syntax error - unknown glyph =
(in sign '{@R}18-36{@@}{@L}A===' from airport KAEX)
Syntax error - unknown glyph at {@R}4L-22R{^u}{@@}F
Syntax error - unknown glyph at 4L-22R{^u}{@@}F
Syntax error - unknown glyph at {@@}F
Syntax error - missing closing brace.
(in sign '{{@R}4L-22R{^u}{@@}F' from airport KBTR)
Syntax error - unknown glyph s
(in sign '{@L}E{@Y}{^l}s|{^lu}E5|M{^ru}' from airport KCLT)
Syntax error - unknown glyph at @@L}A11{@@Y}{^l}A{^r}
Syntax error - unknown glyph at A11{@@Y}{^l}A{^r}
Syntax error - unknown glyph at {^l}A{^r}
Syntax error - unknown glyph at A{^r}
Parse error: no closing brace.
(in sign '{@@L}A11{@@Y}{^l}A{^r}' from airport KEYW)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}B|{@Y}{^l}B1' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}B|{@Y}{^l}B7' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}B|{@Y}B7{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}B|{@Y}{^l}B8' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}B|{@Y}B8{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@Y}{^l}B{@L}B2|{@Y}B{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@Y}{^l}B{@L}B2|{@Y}B{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@Y}{^l}B2{@L}B|{@Y}B2{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 49 name is ^l
Could not find tile 50 name is ^r
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@Y}{^ld}A7{@L}B|{^l}A{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 56 name is ^rd
Could not find tile 50 name is ^r
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@Y}{^l}B{@L}A{^rd}A7|B{^r}' from airport KPNS)
Could not find tile 37 name is -
Could not find tile 37 name is -
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}E{@@}{@L}E--' from airport KVPS)
Could not find tile 37 name is -
Could not find tile 37 name is -
Could not find tile 37 name is -
Could not find tile 37 name is -
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}H{@@}{@L}H----' from airport KVPS)
Syntax error - unknown glyph (
Syntax error - unknown glyph ^
Syntax error - unknown glyph r
Syntax error - unknown glyph }
(in sign '{@Y}{^l}08|26(^r}' from airport LOWI)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@L}L|{@L}' from airport LSZA)
Could not find tile 47 name is open-frame
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@R}19-01{@L}M|{@L}' from airport LSZA)
Could not find tile 48 name is close-frame
(in sign '{@B}{no-entry}' from airport KBFI)

07.01.2013, 08:44
Was hier als "unknown glyph" beschrieben wird. sind fehlerhafte Übersetzungen von FS9/FSX-Szenerien. Sie betreffen die "signs", also die Hinweisschilder rechts und links von RWY und Taxiways.

Wenn du das korrigieren willst, dann lade dir von Robin Peels Seite die Datei: XP APT1000 Spec.pdf herunter. Am Ende der PDF findest du dann die richtige Syntax.

Gibt es hier: http://data.x-plane.com/designers.html#RWDataSources

Dort findest du sie unter: Airports: 1000 Version (http://data.x-plane.com/file_specs/XP%20APT1000%20Spec.pdf) (latest - revised Mar 2012), 850 Version (http://data.x-plane.com/file_specs/XP%20APT850%20Spec.pdf) (expired) 715 Version (http://data.x-plane.com/file_specs/Apt715.htm)(expired)

Anklicken auf 1000 Version reicht!

07.01.2013, 09:21
Dietmar, vielen Dank für deine Hilfe und die Infos dazu. :)
Werde das dann demnächst in Angriff nehmen.